206 866-888-9600 gorillamill.com SPEEDS & FEEDS HIGH PERFORMANCE 4 FLUTE (INCH & METRIC) GORILLA MILL 4 FLUTE (INCH) COATED SPEEDS & FEEDS CHART. 1X DIAMETER DEEP, FULL SLOTTING, CHIMP LOAD PER TOOTH WORK PIECE MATERIAL SFM 1/8" 3/16" 1/4" 5/16" 3/8" 7/16" 1/2" 5/8" 3/4" 1" RPM IPM RPM IPM RPM IPM RPM IPM RPM IPM RPM IPM RPM IPM RPM IPM RPM IPM RPM IPM Gray Cast Iron 600 18,336 58.6 12,224 48.8 9,168 43.9 7,334 43.9 6,112 41.5 5,238 46.1 4,584 45.8 3,667 44.1 3,056 42.7 2,292 36.7 Ductile Iron 500 15,280 24.2 10,186 24.5 7,640 27.4 6,112 29.3 5,093 33.1 4,365 36.8 3,820 35.1 3,056 36.8 2,546 35.3 1,910 32.4 Soft Steels, (A36,1018, 8620,1045) 650 19,864 39.7 13,246 37.1 9,932 39.7 7,945 41.2 6,621 39.7 5,675 40.8 4,966 41.7 3,972 42.9 3,310 42.4 2,483 39.7 Alloy Steels, (4340, 4140) 400 12,224 19.5 8,149 19.5 6,112 24.4 4,890 29.3 4,074 29.3 3,492 28.1 3,056 29.3 2,444 27.3 2,037 27.6 1,528 24.4 4140 Pre-Hard (28 to 32 Rc) 300 9,168 10.9 6,112 12.2 4,854 15.5 3,667 14.6 3,056 17.1 2,619 18.8 2,292 18.3 1,833 18.3 1,528 18.3 1,146 16.1 Tool Steels (A2,D2,S7) 300 9,168 14.7 6,112 14.6 4,584 14.7 3,667 17.5 3,056 19.6 2,619 20.8 2,292 20.2 1,833 19.1 1,528 18.2 1,146 16.5 Die Steels, (H13,P20) 325 9,932 15.8 6,621 15.8 4,966 21.8 3,972 23.8 3,310 26.4 2,837 26.1 2,483 24.8 1,986 22.2 1,655 22.5 1,241 19.9 Stainless Steel, (303, 304, 316) 350 10,696 17.1 7,130 17.1 5,348 17.1 4,278 20.4 3,565 22.7 3,056 23.2 2,674 23.5 2,139 22.2 1,782 22.7 1,338 19.8 Difficult Stainless Steel, (400 & PH Series) 300 9,168 14.6 6,112 12.2 4,584 12.8 3,667 16.1 3,056 13.8 2,619 17.8 2,292 18.4 1,833 18.4 1,528 18.4 1,146 16.1 Stainless Steel (13-8) 150 4,584 7.3 3,056 6.1 2,292 6.4 1,833 7.3 1,528 7.9 1,309 9.4 1,146 11.9 916 10.2 764 10.1 573 9.3 High Temp. Alloys 250 7,640 12.2 5,093 10.1 3,820 10.6 3,056 13.4 2,546 14.3 2,182 14.1 1,910 14.5 1,528 13.4 1,273 14.3 955 12.7 Titanium (6AL4V) 200 6,112 9.7 4,074 8.1 3,056 8.1 2,444 11.7 2,037 13.1 1,746 13.2 1,528 14.1 1,222 13.3 1,018 13.1 764 12.3 Inconel 718 155 4,736 7.5 3,157 6.3 2,368 6.6 1,894 7.6 1,578 8.2 1,353 9.7 1,184 9.5 947 8.7 790 9.5 592 8.3 Inconel 625 135 4,125 6.6 2,750 5.5 2,062 5.8 1,650 6.6 1,375 7.1 1,178 8.5 1,031 8.6 825 8.6 687 9.1 515 8.3 *NOTE: Recommended Speeds & Feeds, applications may vary. These Speeds & Feeds are based on Standard & Stub LOC. GORILLA MILL 4 FLUTE (METRIC) COATED SPEEDS & FEEDS CHART. 1X DIAMETER DEEP, FULL SLOTTING, CHIMP LOAD PER TOOTH WORK PIECE MATERIAL SFM 3 MM 4 MM 5 MM 6 MM 8 MM 10 MM 12 MM 16 MM 20 MM 25 MM RPM MMPT RPM MMPT RPM MMPT RPM MMPT RPM MMPT RPM MMPT RPM MMPT RPM MMPT RPM MMPT RPM MMPT Gray Cast Iron 600 19,405 .0200 14,554 .0220 11,643 .0250 9,702 .0300 7,277 .0380 5,821 .0440 4,851 .0610 3,638 .0760 2,910 .0910 2,328 .1050 Ductile Iron 500 16,171 .0100 12,128 .0120 9,702 .0150 8,085 .0220 6,064 .0300 4,851 .0450 4,042 .0580 3,032 .0740 2,425 .0890 1,940 .1030 Soft Steels, (A36,1018, 8620,1045) 650 21,022 .0120 15,767 .0150 12,613 .0170 9,702 .0250 7,883 .0330 6,306 .0390 5,255 .0530 3,941 .0680 3,153 .0860 2,522 .1010 Alloy Steels, (4340, 4140) 400 12,937 .0100 9,702 .0120 7,762 .0150 6,468 .0250 4,851 .0380 3,881 .0450 3,234 .0580 2,425 .0710 1,940 .0860 1,552 .1010 4140 Pre-Hard (28 to 32 Rc) 300 9,702 .0070 7,277 .0100 5,821 .0120 4,851 .0200 3,638 .0250 2,910 .0350 2,425 .0500 1,819 .0630 1,455 .0760 1,164 .0890 Tool Steels (A2,D2,S7) 300 9,702 .0100 7,277 .0120 5,821 .0150 4,851 .0200 3,638 .0300 2,910 .0400 2,425 .0550 1,819 .0660 1,455 .0760 1,164 .0910 Die Steels, (H13,P20) 325 10,511 .0100 7,883 .0120 6,306 .0150 5,255 .0270 3,941 .0380 3,153 .0500 2,627 .0630 1,970 .0710 1,576 .0860 1,261 .1010 Stainless Steel, (303, 304, 316) 350 11,319 .0100 8,489 .0120 6,791 .0150 5,659 .0200 4,244 .0300 3,395 .0400 2,829 .0550 2,122 .0660 1,697 .0810 1,358 .0940 Difficult Stainless Steel, (400 & PH Series) 300 9,702 .0100 7,277 .0120 5,821 .0130 4,851 .0170 3,638 .0280 2,910 .0380 2,425 .0500 1,819 .0630 1,455 .0760 1,164 .0890 Stainless Steel (13-8) 150 4,851 .0100 3,638 .0120 2,910 .0130 2,425 .0170 1,819 .0250 1,455 .0340 1,212 .0550 909 .0690 727 .0810 582 .1010 High Temp. Alloys 250 8,085 .0100 6,064 .0110 4,851 .0120 4,042 .0170 3,032 .0270 2,425 .0360 2,021 .0480 1,516 .0560 1,212 .0710 970 .0840 Titanium (6AL4V) 200 6,468 .0100 4,851 .0110 3,881 .0110 3,234 .0170 2,425 .0300 1,940 .0400 1,617 .0580 1,212 .0680 970 .0810 776 .1010 Inconel 718 155 5,013 .0100 3,759 .0120 3,007 .0130 2,506 .0180 1,880 .0250 1,503 .0330 1,253 .0510 939 .0590 752 .0760 601 .0940 Inconel 625 135 4,366 .0100 3,274 .0110 2,619 .0120 2,183 .0170 1,637 .0250 1,309 .0330 1,091 .0530 818 .0660 655 .0830 524 .1010
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